In a long road

I entered an antique shop to buy a birthday gift for my friend. She, though eminently shining with youthfulness, seems more interested than my history professor in scrutinizing the artworks of Romans and Pharos. She loves crystalline sculptures and signed belongings; in fact, she might spend the whole day taking selfies with a plate signed by Napoleon rather than hanging out with people. I know not about antiques but those dishes and plates my grandmother worships in our house —Oh, and those cups, in our Traditionally Egyptian “neesh.” So, I entered as an alien discovering a new planet. I taught myself some history to get her a unique gift, and I forced myself to ask an old man speaking with a French-accented Egyptian tongue about the crystals sector, and I suffered from a French-filled conversation with an old woman about the beautiful, wealthy, liberal, colonized old Egypt while looking for a crystal, and I bore the receptionist indecipherable “S’il Vous Plaits” to pay for the gift, and I survived the flames inside me when I spent all my money on a small piece of crystal, yet I assured myself his smile was worth those hundreds of  “Exactomo” that tortured my ears, those three weeks without fast food that made me love broccoli, and those hours of relentless trials to correctly pronounce “Je t’aime” instead of “I love you” —for she is in love with the sophisticated, romantic French.

I went outside the shop, leaving this politically-apathetic, wealthy neighborhood, and headed to my politically-active, local neighborhood, holding the bag that has the crystal with both my hands and making sure that the crystal is one-hundred percent secure, for I feared the cars will contaminate the crystal with their tires splashing the dirty ponds in the slums I should cross to reach my neighborhood. I was thinking only of the safety of the crystal, so I put all our memories in it… I put the moments we spent together, the mutual interests, the hard times, the smiles, the pictures, the hilarious videos, mutual characteristics, and even myself in the crystal. I walked six kilometers because I didn’t have enough money for riding a bus, but I felt the crystal invigorating me, so whenever I stopped, it reminded me with a meme we shared together, and whenever my legs hurt, it reminded me with a time I needed help and found her healing my weaknesses, and whenever a thug bullied me without a reason, it reminded me with the times I took decisions without fear because I was beside her.

I walked the six kilometers in a fraction of the second as if I was in her company. We used to chat for some moments all day and night, and hang out for a moment all weekends, and I felt the crystal resembling her… resembling her soft voice telling me not to make anything stop me, resembling her hands stroking my disheveled hair when it’s too impossible to live, and resembling her furious attitude whenever I mock her. I walked the six kilometers, all hope to see her smile and tell her that I appreciate every single moment we spent as friends, every single time we chatted together, and every single letter she wrote to me or I wrote to her. I walked the six kilometers in a fraction of the second because I felt her beside me, and when she is beside me, my world consists only of her, her stories, her malicious friends which we usually make fun of, her smiles, her laughs, and her support.

Finally, I reached my neighborhood. She lives exactly next to my house, and I was only a few steps from her, from attending her le anniversaire and saying happy birthday. Within moments, I was in front of her door. I clicked on the bell, but before she would the door, I decided to look at the crystal before giving it to her… I decided to look at the best version ever I could think of a friend, so I opened the bag.

I didn’t find the crystal. I must have lost it while walking through the narrow aisles, or I must haven’t cared enough for it. I must have forgotten circumstances, people, and her while only thinking of the anticipated, better version. I gave it my all, but it went away without telling, without even notifying me that it is leaving. My legs started hurting me now, and my mind wrote manifold scenarios to prevent me from searching for the crystal, for someone might have stolen it, for it shattered when it was dropped, for I won’t find it. My mind convinced me to accept the loss, convinced me to be passive, and convinced me that the crystal is with me all the time while it was leaving without telling me.

She opened the door, but I couldn’t recognize her features. My crystal had it all. My crystal had her features, her portrait, her interests, herself! And I lost the crystal, so now she is alien to me. I lost her without realizing. She kept moving her mouth, saying words I couldn’t understand, doing reactions I couldn’t perceive. I stood silent, staring at her, but I couldn’t. I left, searching for her, searching for the crystal but in other people. I left, but I have already left her since I lost the crystal. It’s harsh to face reality.

That car waiting for me…


I was waiting under the flickering light of a lamp resisting the blowing wind. I didn’t have a scarf around my neck nor a wool pullover; I only had a black-leathered jacket. So, my shivering hands were aimlessly squeezing my jacket, seeking warm. Sometimes, I quitted hugging myself to rub my hands. I tried walking around, but it made me more desperate. There were many people walking around; I couldn’t understand their warm exchanges nor decipher their whispers, giggles, and cries. Simply, I couldn’t hear them. I heard nothing but silence —sometimes cars crushing stones or trees swooshing to protest against the wind. I had to cover my face whenever a car passed me: its flashlight tortured my eyes.

I waited for ten minutes, my blood circulation getting slower due to the gradual decrease in my body’s temperature. I needed a cup of hot, sugar-free coffee or a hot cookie, but I was afraid to leave the place. I was told to wait there, so I obviously had no choice. So, my body protested against my vainness and uselessness: a migraine made me suffer from any sound or voice, from those horns coming from the traffic jam on the other side of the street and those inaudible steps of people walking near me; my eyes forced me to see the world blurred; my legs were too heavy to stride, too weak to walk, and too afraid to die. My body started to fall. I began to conceive hopeless scenarios:

“If I fainted here, would someone take me to a hospital? Would they cry or feel sad for a few days and then be because I won’t annoy them anymore? If I am lost, would they immediately search for my corpse?”

Twenty minutes passed, I was falling. I gave up on my OCD and sat on the pavement. The dirt stuck on my jeans and jacket were itching my body, were destroying the cells in my brain, but I had no power. Again, I obviously had no choice. I got my knees close to each other, covered my head with my hoodie, and drowned my face in my hands. I slept on my knees, in the middle of the street. I was waiting for a car; my home was so far. I was like a distant star… a distant star turning into a dwarf, but the universe was too crowded, too busy, to notice its transformation. I couldn’t take out my phone out of my pocket because my pale hands were freezing. I had to wait for the car’s random, dissonant, irritating beeps or for my pal’s deceptively warm hands patting my shoulder to return me back to life.

Moments passed, my soul flew out of my body. No, I didn’t die. I was used to escaping my body, so I could watch the world around me… so I could see people conspiring against me… so I could disdain the callous cold that penetrated into my bones… so I could show hate to the horns that enjoyed torturing my ears.

[The soul is narrating right now]

I stood beside my body —who was shaking —waiting for the car. People were giving my body weird looks; some discriminators loathed seeing a seemed-to-be homeless occupying a part of the street; some kind-hearted individuals said “Hi” and offered help, but my body didn’t respond.

After an extra ten-minute delay, the car finally came. My body’s thought-as-to-be close friend got out of the car, super-confident and in a casual attire that shines youth and outgoingness. He looked around him, strangely scrutinizing my threadbare body dying of cold. He shouted my name several times, and he began to become angry.

He was used to that. He used not to wait for me for anything, be annoyed from my presence, and underestimate my dreams and doings. He was used to mocking anything I did in my life, even it was just sleeping, humiliate me in front of a random little kid in street, an official from our school, a friend of his, a parent, a girl, or even a cat preparing for giving birth. So, he didn’t wait for my body, and I, driven by curiosity, wanted to know the subtleties of his reaction. I often suffered from his as-he-denied-it-not-to-feel-ashamed bullying, so I used to leave the place, but he, on the other hand, used to continue making silly jokes on me, talking like a super girly girl who broke up with her boyfriend whom she discovered cheated her, and generating more, as he considered, fun about my spontaneity, wear, and —as he always described— awkward behavior.

Immersed in memories, I didn’t notice the car leaving. I had two choices: returning to my body so that I will take another mean of transportation home or following that friend and invisibly entering the car.

I was in the car; I didn’t think that much. Curiosity was always killing me. The car was a perfect contrast to my body; although both are inanimate, they shared many things. The car was warm, unlike my body whose blood stopped circulating because it lost hope. It was full of life, music, and whiskey, unlike my depressed body who had no interests beyond writing suicidal notes. The car had a lot of lights, unlike my body, whose lights were turned off since the first letdown. The car had a GPS to guide it to any destination, unlike my body who used to aimlessly wander in the world. The car had sensors to keep its passengers safe, unlike my body who, obstructed by his social insecurities, couldn’t even interact with a tree. The car, although automated by an algorithm, had a driver who would save it from having an accident, unlike my body who had no one to warm him in the cold.

[The soul is still the narrator]

I was in the car, and I listened to cheating, lies, and deception. That so-called friend proved the truth of my assumed doubts, and he kept laughing on me, complaining that I always was a lunatic, irresponsible individual, and insulting me with words regarding my mother. I knew this since the beginning but I was convincing myself it ain’t true. I stayed for one hour in the car, seeing our friendship shattering slowly, seeing truths, seeing all his lies. He complained about our “not rewarding” friendship, that I was used to sharing depression with him and he was then fed up, that I used to speak from my side and not asking how he was doing, and that I was a “jerk,” who has zero experience in life but profound experience in depression. I stayed for one hour, flashbacking twenty years of fake friendship, crying about every moment, and repenting for the confidence I had put in him for years. I stayed for one hour, but I discovered the truth of what I thought of for years.

We finally were home. I couldn’t stand seeing him leaving the car and telling others, who might ask why I didn’t come with him, that I was an irresponsible, childish, reckless individual. I flew back to the pavement, to where I waited for long, to where I waited for someone I thought of as a friend.

It was late. I shouldn’t have stayed that long. The street was dark, but the place where I left my body was carved on my mind. I went there, but I didn’t find my body. A mafia group might have stolen it to sell my organs, or someone might have told police about a dead body.

I am currently trapped in the world, coerced into seeing betray, hate, maliciousness, and lies. I am currently trapped in the world, can’t escape to heaven nor return to my body. I’m currently flying around, crying because I have lost everything in a night. I’m currently a dead soul.


Chains… (Chapter one)


The sun was setting slowly, taking the last golden ray of that pure light; darkness crept mischievously into the empty streets, providing the desired nature for “conspiracy.” No one can see, no one can, as usual, rebuff. Trees were swooshing, begging the sun to stay… begging the sun to protect the world from maliciousness, loathe, and despise. Birds were cawing, alarming the inhabitants of this splenetic country to huddle in their homes: they won’t be able to witness the crime of this day. Roaring between the bleak aisles, the wind was yelling for help… yelling for truth. The Sky started pouring its crestfallen tears, drowning the streets in dark-natured rains. As the city’s inhabitants, the sky despondently felt solicitousness and welcomed the sinister moon. On windows, sinful droplets of water blurred the view.

“The moon’s weak light enlightens the weak souls…. It only resurrects the obsequiousness of this world,” this sentence was carved on this horrifying country’s inhabitants’ mind…. it was carved on the widowed Mary’s mind, who had a little girl.

“Mom, Can I go to the playground.” an innocent girl smiled at her mother’s haggard face while entangling her long black braids.

“NO! It’s prohibited: minorities are everywhere,” Mary’s black eyes stared at the little daughter’s glinted brown eyes.

“Min-oo-r? It’s a hard word. What does it mean?” The girl’s white skin seemed to be shocked, afraid of her mother’s changed facial expression.

“Evil groups of people who don’t obey the majority’s laws and rules. [Mary’s voice became intense.] They are the devils of this world!”

“Devils? You told me before that we can’t see them.” She perplexed with a soft confused tone.

“Ugh… There are the Devils we can’t see, and there are the HUMAN Devils, the people who force others to commit sins.”

“Why do humans become devils?” the girl felt the cold sneaking into her brown pullover.

“Because they don’t follow the Lord!”

“How could people not follow the Lord. You told me that he created us and died for us?”

“Because they are foolish. [her voice became intense] they are sinners! [screams] they are going to hell!”

“I hope Lord tell these [Mirrorities] to stop fearing people. I want to play outside.”

“It’s Minorities! You should know these words… you should know your enemies very well, or with their frowzy tricks, they will attract you to join them. Once you join, you will be full of sins… full of darkness. You won’t be my lovely daughter… you will be a disgusting rat!”

“I am sorry, Mom,” the little girl threw herself into her mother’s arms, shivering and horrified of the outside world.

Oppression will inspire the urge to discover, the curiosity to experience, but sometimes we think that we are protecting our kids from the outside world, but the truth is that we, unfortunately, are motivating them to make trespasses and mistakes. We are driving them into hell while we fallaciously think that we are protecting them.  

“Now go to your bed. When it is the day, they hide… they are afraid of the sun… the truth they refuse to accept.  You can go out then. God bless you.”
“What truth?”

“You are too young to understand.” She kissed her forehead. “Don’t bother with that. I don’t want to lose you like I lost your father. They killed him.” Mary resisted crying in front of her daughter.

“But-.” She was trying to find out a method not to miss the innocent date with the kid on the house in front of them.

“No excuses. I don’t want to lose you, sweetheart.” Her tears were glistening.

“I am sorry mom. I love you.”

“I love you more than the whole universe.” She approached her little daughter and squeezed her between her arms as if she was hugging her pure heart. Then after a long moment of tenderness, She smoothly kissed her little girl’s forehead again.”

“Good night. God bless you from this world.”

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward – Psalm 127:3  

Mary recited the Bible’s verse in her mind, convincing herself that she is following the Lord’s orders.

“Good night, Mama.” Her charming voice and her innocent smile threw relaxation in her mom’s anxious face.

“I love you, baby,” her mom replied.  Her heart throbbed rapidly, telling her that it was the time to be worried about her daughter.

With cheery steps, the little girl Jade smoothed to her room. Her white, pink-dotted dress was flying, and her lush black hair was swinging; she was too innocent to decipher the meanings of her mother’s complicated words. The corridor’s blue, white-dotted walls reminded her of the playground’s stones, the place where she was going to meet the boy. Afraid to miss the chance to meet that boy in the nearby neighborhood, her steps became a little bit slower; her pace reflected how confused she was. Find a way! Her heart told her….her heart inspirited hope in her.

Curiosity and hope orchestrating her mind, she couldn’t stop thinking of solutions to make her first date… to watch the admirable sunset while touching the sky with the swing on the playground; she drew ethereal scenarios under the glowing sun. She really wanted to go out before night. Our hearts are our most lethal enemies. 

She entered her room, a small pink room full of teddy bears and girly stickers. She threw herself on her bed, drowning in its squishy cushions and mattress. She gently took a breath and began to scrutinize her cutie room, figuring out with whom she would talk: the fluffy bear who shares all her childish dreams, Cat-woman’s toy who helps her to find a solution for every problem, or the “totally spies” trio who join her in every girly activity. While looking at them, the luminous pieces of her toys took her attention; they were orange as the setting sun. When the sun sets, meet me around the swing, the boy’s words echoed in her amiable mind.

“But it’s dangerous,” her mind resisted and started dampening her body activity.

“Stop being a kid… your mom wants to protect you, and you won’t harm yourself,” she kept convincing herself.

“But-” Her mind tried to object

“stop giving excuses, Jade, you are old enough to be responsible,” her heart controlled her. “A moment with someone with you love worth some sacrifice,” her heart is now leading her.

With an emotion-oriented person, disasters MUST occur. Coercing her mind to accept, her heart made a perfect plan to escape…

She stood up suddenly and approached her half-opened room; her mother had always been telling her to keep it open. She exhaled to decrease the size of her small belly while slightly pussyfooting out of the room. Tiptoeing through the corridor, Jade sneaked to see where her mother was. Kitchen and bathroom’s lights off, she crept towards her mother’s bedroom. Through the bedroom’s also half-open door, Jade saw Mary preparing to sleep; she was yawning while preparing the bed. Great conditions! Jade took a deep breath and advanced to the house’s door. Love teaches things you have never imagined to learn. Putting her exquisite scenarios in front of her eyes, she kept motivating herself to escape… to go where her heart lied. The corridor looked infinite, and the fear symphony played in her heart was killing. Love is a sacrifice, anyway.

“Tick.” A sound erupted near her. She suddenly turned around and stared at the sound’s source; it was her mother’s room!

“Uhhhm.” She sighed, kicking out fear from her trembled heart. Her mother had just turned the lights off. It’s your chance. She swallowed, hoping to digest all the horror within her. The door’s lock was capturing the light in her tiny eyes, magnetizing her to break the RULES. Finally, she was there, in front of the door.

She looked around her. “There is no one… it’s the chance,” her childish nature controlled her. With a grin on her face, bright eyes, and an active body, she powerfully and curiously opened the door and ran away. Love is blind.  

“Wumpth,” the door’s sound thundered Mary.

Suddenly, Mary opened her eyes, heart thumping in fear. Your daughter, her heart told her that Jade is not safe.

“Jade! Jade!” Mary stood up and ran around the house, worried about her little kid. “Jade where are you? Jade… Ja-aa-a-de.” She opened her room and didn’t find her. “O, my God. She will definitely be kidnapped, and she will be one of them.” Then, she ran to the house’s door; she was shocked when she saw it open. “No! No! No! O, my God. She didn’t listen to me. Demons are everywhere.” She began to lose her voice, crying and screaming her name…

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. – James 4:7  

Calling the police or running out the house to catch her daughter, she opted to stay at her sanctuary. God will save her, but he wants me to pray, she thought.

Trapped in an open Cage (Part 1)


          “Toot-tooot.” The bus stopped in front of a giant gate, beeping to tell the guards to open the metal gate. I was looking through the window, feeling the cold glass on my cheeks and pondering about this giant place, a huge area full of tall buildings, vast trees, and spacious spaces. Then, I looked through the main building’s window, noticing the hordes who are walking, talking, laughing, and musing. Entropy exists as we exist. Immersed, I felt like I am just sailing with my dreams, seeing myself and Mark holding the treasure that all sought. But once I felt Mark’s hands patting my shoulder, I returned to reality. His brown eyes glittered with hope, and he was smiling. “It’s gonna be a long trip, Cave,” Mark said enthusiastically. I nodded, giving the same smile and feeling my heart beating rapidly. We were waiting, as no one responded to the request of “toot-toots.” Bad things are bad since the beginning. I sighed, then returned to the window. The place around us was a bleak desert full of homeless dogs and cats. Nothing can be achieved easily, I encouraged myself, trying to decelerate the flowing of adrenaline into my trembling blood.

“Guys, we are sorry, but we gotta leave the bus. We aren’t getting in. Bring all your things with you.” Someone told us in a sorrowful tune. I looked at mark and smiled. “Let’s go!” I said happily. I jumped. Holding my bag with one hand and breathing slowly, I headed to the bus’s door. Once I left the bus, I felt that I have gone through a unique teleporter –  another world of courageousness and fear is waiting. A strange whiff hit my heart. I am afraid, I thought.

“Cave, please, could you just help me leave the bus.” But I couldn’t hear. I was only obsessed with the colossal number of people and the ubiquitous bags standing in the middle of the main building

“Cave! Could you help me.” Mark repeated. His voice woke me. “Sorry,  I didn’t hear you,” I replied.

“It’s ok. Just help me.”

Once his legs hit the ground, Mark inhaled slowly. I swallowed and looked at the piazza in front of me. There was a girl who was shouting on the phone. “Damn mom. We don’t have clean water here. Damn!” My thoughts pieced together. It will be a vigorous experience, I mused. However, I kept moving and getting closer to that giant gate. Approaching, I felt fear getting into my heart.


          We entered the gate. I was holding my heavy bag, where all my personal and non-personal things found a shelter. Mark was dragging his bag also, reaching the door of that main building together. While getting closer, I started to hear people murmuring, complaining, shouting and cursing the moment when they reached here, and joyfully screaming “Oh! Nice to see you here!”

A mixture of feelings dominated the place. The mixture’s ghosty whiffs hit all the newcomers by just passing through the glass door. I sighed, took a deep breath, then entered the building. Mark was behind me; unlike me, he seemed to be happy and hopeful.

On the off-white tiles in the middle of the hall, the bags of our cohort were standing. Immediately, I felt my legs driving me there, the comfort zone where I know some people. I was wondering about the place, people surrounding me, and the whole atmosphere. People from different genders, backgrounds, colors, and cultures are just here to find only one treasure… to compete only to satisfy the feeling of being unique. There, I was pondering about all the dreams which may come true if I found this treasure with Mark – Fruitless thoughts from a Pathetic. Cameras are zooming out. I am a black, tiny dot in the middle of millions of messy dots.

“Mark, Cave! Find another 4 and fill this paper out to get a room.” The leader of our cohort ordered us.

Someone interrupted us and caught the paper before landing on Mark’s hands. “Both of you and the rest of our ‘population’ are gonna be in the same room. Don’t worry. Just give me your data.”

Meanwhile, I was staring at people. I believe that someone here would share the same feelings. Maybe this girl with the red scarf? That boy who is struggling to hold his bag? Could it be Mark? I don’t know. I was absorbed. I was totally in another world.

“Cave, please write down your ID number here. I don’t know it.” Mark requested, but I didn’t hear him: I was drowning in my thoughts.

“Cave! Cave! Look at me.” He raised his voice, putting his hands on my shoulder.

I gasped and looked at his eyes.

“Cave, what’s wrong bro?” His voice changed.

“Never mind. Just thinking.” I replied.

“Hope everything will be ok. We need to have a conversation in the room.”


“Would you write down your ID number to get the key?”


I instantly wrote my 14-digit ID number, which I could memorize easily, then handed the paper to Mark with a fake smile on my face. He sighed; I sighed. Then, we took our bags and headed to our room.


We strode to the residential sector, heart beating in fear and eyes just looking down. When we entered the aisle, I felt a tiny wind going through my black jacket. The aisle had these creepy, blue tiles. It was very high and long. Journey to the land of fear, I thought. Breathing rapidly, I was moving fast. I just want to get locked in my room… to be isolated. Heavy and Big, the bag insisted on slowing my pace. I was sweating, but I didn’t stop.

Once I approached the end of the aisle, I looked behind me. Mark was moving confidently, looking at his phone, and totally engaged in its white and blue screen, FACEBOOK. I sighed.

“Mark! Maaark! Hurry up. I want to change my clothes. I feel trapped in them.” I lied.

Mark looked at me, and he unhesitatingly moved more quickly. He was holding his phone on a hand and his light bag on another one…

He reached the end of the aisle. There were an elevator and looooooong stairs. “You can’t use the elevator. It doesn’t work.” Someone said while going upstairs.

“Ok. Thanks!” I said.

I ran to the elevator and called it. Guess what? It worked. “Bullshitter are everywhere.” I smiled and told Mark.

Me: “Which floor should we go?”

Mark: “Our Room’s number is 316. So, I think it’s the third floor.”

I clicked on number three. The door closed, and we went up.


Trapped in an open Cage (Part 2)

Sighs… (Chapter three)


Chapter one

Chapter two


Detective Drake rushed to this advanced computer system in the headquarter in which all the data about crimes, including crime scenes, corpses’ photos, and the taken judgments, are stored secretly. The aisles, with their poor lights in the midnight, white and boring tiles, steel walls, and ultramodern surveillance cameras, seemed to be like a maze in the most developed era. Sweating, worried, and scared, Drake was striding fast as if he was chasing someone. In his hands, an enormous, brown book lustered; there was a golden lock on the book’s face, and it was opened. What a sick owner.

Drake kept running until he reached the desired room, and he felt the wind going through his black jacket, alarming him to be prepared for what is waiting inside. He put his hands inside his blue jeans’ pocket and took his special ID, then he put it inside the scanner, waiting for the second step of safety. Once it was verified, he wrote his special 15-digit password, then he put his eyes in front of another scanner. His reflection on the mirror seemed exhausted; his white skin was turning into this tacky yellow; his disheveled hair is congested with dandruff; his brown eyes craved sleeping. He sighed waiting for the door to be opened… waiting for the most secure room in the country to be opened, and after his exhalations caused this fog around him, the door was finally opened.

Immediately, Drake entered the room, feeling this chilly air that’s used to protect computers from overheating inside his dark blue pullover. Because he is working on one of the most enigmatic cases, Drake felt that fear caused the red, orange, and green lights to flicker in protest, and he thought that notifications and signals’ sounds are only a hopeless SOS. But all these feelings were gone when he saw the desired computer: Murder Cases. Unhesitatingly, he rushed to the computer, and when he sat down, he looked to the book in his hands, and he typed with his cold fingers:

“Jonah Stewart.”

Sighs… (Chapter Four)

Sighs… (Chapter two)


Story’s Chapter one 


Diaries: Chapter one

Since I was an embryo, I heard these struggles between my parents inside my mother’s uterus, these usual weeping of my mother when she receives her daily dose of heartbreaking, these mother’s plans of leaving the home and escape to nowhere, and these groans when my father whip her with his harsh bat, or when my elder brother kick her out of his room to have this fallacious privacy, and I felt the tears going on her belly, the fake pets to congratulate her “Congrats on your new baby! God bless her,” the earthquakes that threatened my existence caused my mother’s failed trials to kill me, as she hated life and thought that I may be her successor – thought that I might be this slave for my husband and sons and lose my feeling as a human being, or I might be this self-loathing female who thinks of killing herself more than thinking of eating – and this disturbance when she was running from my father’s bat.

Yet, this is not an acceptable justification to pass perish to her daughter, me, and make my life gloomy without any reason. I know how harsh her life was, but I don’t know why my life must be harsh, too. I felt like I am replicating the same life– not exactly: she had put some modifications to increase the drama, make the torture more traumatic, and make it more emotional. The more tears, the more empathy. What an emotional story! I don’t even know if it was her mistake, their mistakes, or my own mistake, and I don’t know why I fought to survive this life, and why I didn’t hang myself with that umbilical cord… why I didn’t use the reason for my life against me to end my life. Ummm, I mistakenly, unfortunately, and unluckily thought that life in freedom without this Endometrial surrounding me and this darkness prevailing would make me experience the real freedom with all its benign meanings. Hmmm, but I didn’t realize that I am being promoted to another stage of captivity.

This was for the before-birth stage, the stage in which I was only hearing about catastrophes and feeling them. Now, let’s dig deeper into my after-birth stage, the stage of experiencing catastrophes by seeing, listening, touching, feeling, and smelling…

Unlike all my siblings who were born in the countryside by this poor midwife, I was born in this modern, civilized Dubai. I was the second of an older brother and a younger sister. Life seemed to be usual, as anything in my life… seems usual from the outside, yet it’s burning from the deep insides, and no one suffers from ashes but me, the matter which is unmercifully incinerating in peace. And my place of birth, something I haven’t chosen, stimulated the hate and envy from my siblings, looking at me as this arrogant girl who was born in a different place from them and trying to prove, meaninglessly, that they are better than me. Honestly, I didn’t see it as an advantage, but they saw it as a disadvantage for them, and they tried, with all possible means of defeating, to defeat me.  Ohh, I am not trying to be a drama queen, but I am only writing what I feel and think regardless of anything else.

Not only that, but also my mom had given me more care than my elder brother – actually, I didn’t have the MORE CARE, but it was the normal care that a newborn baby should be given. I don’t remember anything, but my grandma always told me what really happened, and she had taught me that I am too certain about my decision to hate my brother Jonah.

Two years for a child means to be loved and to receive proper care, but for me, it means two trials to murder me. My elder brother wanted to be the center of the home’s attention, alone. (What an attention-whore!)  Thus, he hated my existence, and he wanted with his innocent mind to finish me. A young kid, who should only think about cartoons, fictional characters, talking to fairies, and fear this fictional character that mother’s use to make their kids finish their plates, thought of killing his younger sister and has been taught the meaning of hatred…

The first trial occurred when I was one year old. My brother had persuaded my mom that he wants me beside him while studying. Babies are angels, and I love my sister, He told my mom with his soft tune, and after a lot of talking, smirks, and warnings to take care of me (My mom doesn’t want to see me be thrown from the window again.), he finally made it and took me to the living room where he was studying. Once we reached the crime’s last scene, he scanned the house. Grandma is sleeping on the sofa in front of us; my mother is preparing launch; my father is working on his study; and the television is opened on this old, boring series, indicating that everything is okay, and my grandma is there to bear witness and manage any unexpected action. Well, circumstances are on my brother’s side to commit this hellish crime and end my life, thinking that he could gain attention by killing his sister. He looked at me with his glittering eyes, giving me a desperate look, and then all of sudden pushed his pen inside my mouth, choking me to death and breaking this warning of “Don’t put the pencil in your mouth” that’s written on his killing tool. I started to yell and suffocate, but he seemed determined with this heinous trial, and he was increasing the force as if he were coercing me to eat this pen. The scene was chilly, a kid killing his sister. And I am certain that you are clever enough to realize that I wasn’t killed. My grandma was shocked by my tiny screams. She rushed to me and saved me, as always, from him, repeating this boring scene of scolding and threatening him whenever he makes mistakes. The air returned to my small lungs, altering this blue color of my skin to my freckled white color, and I had another chance to survive… another chance to witness devastations.

I presume that life is a synonym of surviving and fighting.

Second – that awful second-  is a failed trial that destroyed all the relations between me and my brother. I was two years old, and I could walk, and I could say my first words “Mama,” and I was able to recognize pain. My mom was pregnant with my best and only friend in my life, my younger sister Anna. (Don’t worry. She has her own chapter.) This seemed like another threat… another superstar in the arena is coming, thus some lights should be directed to him, and “this-person-who-is-called-my-brother” would lose some of his lights. My mom was always telling him that babies have special powers, and only God can control them while they are inside their mothers’ wombs. So, he didn’t think of killing my sister; instead, he thought, and he always thinks, of killing – sometimes destroying – me.

The plan was too difficult this time, as he had squandered a valuable trial, and he doesn’t want to lose this one. I was playing with my toys in the living room, and around me was my grandma who was looking after me. This-person-who-is-called-my-brother were watching us, waiting until grandma’s attention is lost, thereby he can perform this kill. He was squatting, hiding behind the wall, and stretching his left hand, shaking it and showing a sparkling thing, something that grabbed all my attention. It was awesome, and as any kid, I was astounded and wanted to have a better look at it. Awesome trick, young boy!

Once he had noticed that I am approaching, he ran to the bathroom, repeated the same trick, waiting for me, and he was really clever to make me follow him to the bathroom. When I entered, I could hear the sound of water that’s filling the deep bath and saw it going out, drowning the white floor, and I noticed the sparkling thing floating on the water. I have never gone to the bathroom alone, thus I felt that it’s a gigantic place full of towels, house-cleaning tools, and water, and it sounded incredulous not to find him around, but I didn’t care. I really need to take this thing! As I was approaching, I felt the bright rays of the object getting inside my retina increasing the size of my eyes and making feel the chanting happiness. I felt like I am achieving the best dream in my childhood, and finally, I touched it, and I wish I hadn’t. Suddenly, this-person-who-is-called-my-brother ran towards me and held me from my legs. I really was astonished, thinking that he was trying to help me. He seemed to be taller than me, and he could easily carry me up with his strong muscles to reach this gift.  My lovely brother! But all these impossible dreams vanished when I felt him throwing me into the bath, making me drown in the chilly water. I looked at his full-of-antagonism eyes, and I wanted to tell him that I trusted him, but I couldn’t because I haven’t yet learned to say ‘betrayal’ or ‘help,’ yet I have learned the feeling of seeking help and detesting betrayal. He immediately ran out of the bathroom, slammed the door behind him, and closed the lights, making me suffer in darkness, as I was trying with every bit of strength to overcome water to survive, and he stood in front of the bathroom’s door, acting as a guard for the invited grim reaper, waiting until hearing silence, indicating that his mission is delightfully accomplished.

Nevertheless, my SOS’s sent a hidden signal to my mother’s heart – My mother was always hearing my inner cries, thoughts, and the silent shouts of pain. She threw the spoon on the pan, leaving the most precious thing she used to do in her life, cooking, and ran around the apartment, calling my name until she stumbled into Jonah, and she asked him with a scared tone, “Jonah, where is Elizabeth? Did you see her.”

“Umm, I don’t know, mom. She may be playing with her toys or doing her girly things.” He said in a vexatious tune, avoiding looking at my mother’s eyes, as she may know what’s really happening.

“Why are standing in front of the bathroom? Is your sister inside?”

Now, I was dying, taking the last breathes, and hoping that my mom would save me.

“Nothing, mom, I am just standing. It’s ok.” Jonah said hesitantly.

“Let me enter.” Said determinedly

“No. It’s dark inside. The monster may take you.” He said in a convincing voice, preventing her with his small hands from entering the bathroom.

But she entered the bathroom by force and saw me.  Once he entered, she was stunned for a long moment, mouth opened, eyebrows raised, and eyes stared. This frozen scene didn’t last for long. My mother rushed to me, taking me before the scythe of the grim reaper takes me, endowing me another chance for life. While holding me in her arms, she looked with her frightened eye at my afraid green eyes. Now, I felt the air flowing through my tiny lungs for the second time, and I felt the beauty of adventure.

An infant survived death two times. What an amazing story you should write!

Hmmm, sounds miserable, and you may think that my grandma is the reason why I hated my brother because she unveiled these secrets, but this is false… a lie I was always using to avoid telling the truth, as whenever I tried to tell the truth, my mouth froze, and my tongue turned to the heaviest thing in life. Even if the stories and the reality were harsh and rigorous, I don’t usually build my arguments and feelings using them (No, no, no. This story is real, and my brother had confessed to me.); however, I only depend on my feelings, as they have never fooled me like humans, and they were, most of the times, too true.

Trust me, nothing has been started yet. This is only a brief introduction of the how-my-life-ended story.  My brother Jonah took a huge part of this story, and this is not considered as a piece of a part, literally…


Sighs… (Chapter three)

Do … Re … Me


Theme music


Several tunes construct the harmony. A pattern of random tunes, high and low; black and white, establish a special symphony. Numerous keys will only open one unique gate. A mixture of feelings appears in one note. Ascending or Descending; Annoying or Relaxing; you have already listened and felt. Sometimes you are just listening to be touched. Yet, sometimes you are playing for others – or yourself. Roles are useless here. Nothing matters but the symphony itself, your own symphony.


In a dark room, a tiny candle with trembling fire illumines a piano. Nothing is heard but silence. Light appears from the cracks in the wooden door. It appears and disappears frequently until it all went dark. Suddenly, you entered the room, slamming the door behind you. With slow steps, you reached the chair, that black, wooden chair. You sat down and begin playing. . .

“Bring your headphones and listen carefully to these messy tunes.”

 Random tunes, some chords, ups and downs, feelings, repetitive patterns, and some dissonant and consonant tunes – this is life. Each has his unique musical note. Notes differ, absolutely, but all use the same keyboard, the same tunes in a different pattern. Life is fair, just for now. That candle illuminates your note – Yes, the note wasn’t there; it existed once you sat down. On its cover page, you found something written in your handwriting.

“All vanish when the candle’s fire goes. All vanish when the symphony ends. All vanish when you want to re-play. Start before losing.”

Immediately, you looked at the candle. Really, you should play all the notes correctly to end the symphony. You are wondering how could you play the tunes: it’s your first time to see a piano! You tried all the tunes. Patterns were dissonant all the time, but you are learning. Like a baby struggling to walk, you were struggling to read the notes. The candle is being drained as the time passes . . . Now, you know the sound of each key, and you can construct a random pattern of consonant tunes. Something motived you to flip the cover page. A page with instructions appeared with the following instructions:

–  When you are playing, some obstacles will face you: The keys may lag; the chair may be uncomfortable, etc. You should find a novel way to overcome them.

–  You may detest some tunes, but you should play them. If you tried to skip them, all the following tunes will be changed. This might affect your progress.

–  Repeating good tunes is not acceptable. They only occur once, and you should remember them.

Then, there was some instruction to read the note. You moved to the next page. Now, you are knowledgeable enough, put a goal to achieve, and play the keys to construct your own symphony.  You are qualified for life. . .

“Two-thirds of the candle are remaining.”

You are making Beethovenian tunes. Nothing stops you. Moving from white keys to black ones, ascending or descending, you know that white keys, even if they were low, are better than black keys – Light is always better than being lost in black. You are moving from chord to another, playing with both hands. Life must be balanced between high and low tunes, between delightfulness and gloom. While you are playing, you felt tired: tunes are repeating; nothing is new to this ominous life. The note is too long. You are forced to survive. There is nothing to play for… but astonishingly, during that immersion, alluring tunes were being played. Love and Affection dominated the room. Your fingers are dancing. Everything is in its right place. You have a reason to continue playing. . .

“The keys lagged” 

    Like a backstab, the faith made his loathed judgment. These won’t continue or be repeated. Ouch… those are the keys which played that affectionate tunes. You should end the symphony before the candle’s fire go.  The candle is being wasted, and some keys are corrupted. You are doing nothing but lurking to evaluate the state of the candle. Escape the obstacle: Nothing deserves waiting…

“One-third of the candle is remaining.”

Few pages are remaining. You are tired, demanding the end of this hellish symphony. Memories are being repeated by the tunes: these warm tunes, these brave tunes, these passionate ones, and those dim tunes. Some sand covered those corrupted tunes. You are playing just to end the symphony, thinking of all the things that could happen after it. Losing the candle or having it does not matter now. You continued until you reached the last page. Finally, freedom will prevail. You are exhausted, believing that your life will end in front of wretched, old piano. Your fingers are throbbing, like a lonely tree in a huge storm. Finally, the final pitch is played. Wow! The symphony is done! But, wait here… two pages are left. You instantly flipped them. You are shocked…


Really, you are appreciated to reach the end of your symphony. The following is the method to fix the corrupted keys. Also, you will find all the mistakes you did during the symphony and how could you fix them.

Best of Luck, Yours.”

You are heart is beating rapidly. You can’t move. The candle’s fire is going. You are dying, saying your last words and begging the fire to stay.

“Do replica of me to fix all these harsh mistakes.”

“Do replica of me.”

“Do Re-me.”


Life ended as it started . . .


This is life. You first third of life is when you are learning, growing, and building your identity. The next third is when you are fighting, searching for love, and achieving your goals. The last third is when you are remembering all the moments you lived, wishing to leave this life after losing your health and the ones you love.  

Don’t waste your candle; don’t waste your age and life. 

That feeling. . .


Sitting in his seat and looking through the window, he was immersed in his imagination.
Voices were everywhere; some were laughing; some were talking; some were just silent.
He was only experiencing an awkward feeling: the feeling of nothing . . .
Nothing is about those hordes of people surrounding you without a reason,
the fallacious moments of fake smiles and laughter, the feeling of emptiness,
and those weird thoughts of being different from that people – You are different,
and you’re escaping from such a truth. Life is chilly dull. The contemporary happenings are just “null”. You should admit that you’re alone although you have more than one thousand friends! They are just filling that mock bare space inside you.So, in order not to be that jerk unsocial person, you are forced to make those deceptive friendships. Being alone is actually a harsh perish.

What’s loneliness? it’s not about being isolated from the whole world, trapped in a cell,
or being the last civil in a lost island: it’s about being away spiritually,
not physically. It’s about the feeling of desolation. “Why I am supposed to be between this
people?”, “Why should I talk, communicate, or even make relationships with that hated people? Whooa, I should. I can’t be alone. . . ” Actually, you are not anything but alone. You are running away into a swarm of people to make those fake relationships in order to think that you’re a little bit satisfied. You are seeking that sentence “Oh, I am not alone.” ignoring the truth of being alone from your interior. Even words can’t express such feeling, however, I am sure that you are so sentimental to feel what’s between these words. I can’t give it a definition: each defines on its own.



“That feeling” is experienced when you become no longer able to talk and have fun with people, even close friends. Loneliness is all about you, feelings, attempts, choices, characteristics. Relive that wedding party. You were only sitting, surfing social media websites, and doing nothing or that school graduation party, summer trips, family meetings, outings with people who you think that they love you. You’re just crying for nothing: crying for only crying. You seem stiff and rude. You are only talking to that characters inside you. You’re just alone, and you don’t want to be anything else.

Each sentence here is alone. Each gives a new, separate meaning. Each fails to describe it alone, however, each focuses on a very tiny part of that feeling.